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PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 10:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

uite care e treaba: nu as spune ca il cunosc putin pe airman. nu il cunosc deloc. asa cum nici el nu ma cunoaste pe mine.

totusi, nu eu m-am bagat in treaba lui, ci el in a mea. si trebe sa recunosti ca nu s-a bagat tocmai in limitele bunului simt. e drept, cel putin mi-a balacarit intelectul mai voalat decat am facut-o eu cu al lui, dar asta nu scuza faptul ca a inteles exact pe dos ce am scris eu acolo.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 11:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

deci, s-a rezolvat?
neatza, behave!

ce ciudat suna asta.
Joi, 26 ian - ELECTRONICAT - The Smell of Danger

Throbbing Gristle Part Two
Throbbing Gristle (Chris Carter, Peter Christopherson, Genesis P. Orridge and Cosey Fanni Tutti) release their first studio album in 25 years, entitled Part Two, out on 20th March 2006. Throbbing Gristle rang in 2006 with four events in Berlin. Opening with an exhibition, Industrial Annual Report, Throbbing Gristle then played a rare performance at the Volksbuehne on New Year's Eve and the next day, performed a live soundtrack to Derek Jarman's film, In The Shadow Of The Sun. The premier screening of the TGDVD film from London's Astoria completed the events line up. Part Two's initial pressings will be as the Special Edition Totemic Gift CD. Each CD will include one of a series of four different TG Totemic Gifts in either copper, bone, rubber or wood. Each one, an edition of 1000, was handmade in Thailand under Peter Christopherson's supervision.
Vow of Silence
Rabbit Snare
Almost A Kiss
Greasy Spoon
Lyre Liar
Above The Below
Endless Not
The Worm Waits Its Turn
After The Fall

In Strict Confidence "Where Sun And Moon Unite" to be released on March 17
Two years after their last album, "Holy", In Strict Confidence return with an all new 10-tracks CD, at album full-length (54 minutes) but EP price. This EP serves as first "taster" for the new album, "Exile Paradise", announced for spring/summer. The EP contains all new songs and remixes by Blutengel, Samsas Traum, Blind Faith & Envy and others. Also In Strict Confidence will once again deliver an eye-catching sleeve design. The first edition of this EP will be released in a special digi pack with rounded corners, just as the initial copies of their EP, "Seven Lives".
01. Promised Land Extended Version - 07:11
02. Paradise Regained - 06:13
03. Pearl - 04:46
04. Promised Land Club Mix - 05:34
05. Wintermoon Samsas Traum Remix - 04:10
06. Diamond - 05:09
07. Emergency Blind Faith & Envy Version - 04:24
08. Paradise Regained - Patenbrigade:Wolff: Remix - 04:06
09. Promised Land - Blutengel Remix - 05:43
10. Samael - Lucas Boysen Mix - 07:05

? care lucruri le puteti afla si voi mai din timp de la [email protected]

cat despre Electronicat ? duminica, 29 ianuarie ? live la mnac ?
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 1:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

vineri, 27 ian: Dulce Liquido - Dementia

azi incepe rokolectiv.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 12:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

luni, 30 ian: THE STRAND - Haunted (rmx by Massiv in Mensch)

S-a incheiat rokolectiv. Pentru o prima editie, lucrurile au mers mai bine decat ma asteptam. In sensul ca lucrurile bune au fost mai multe decat cele proaste.
In ceea ce priveste lucrurile bune, ele sunt in cea mai mare parte legate de cei care au performat acolo. Pe unii ii stiam deja, dar tot au reusit sa ma surprinda printr-un show mai bun decat in cele precedente (si ma refer aici in special la Made Fronta si la Brazda lui Novac).
De altii in schimb auzeam acum pentru prima oara. De exemplu, ?Jezis Tahne na Berlin?, un ceh care, nu numai din punctul meu de vedere, a fost revelatia festivalului.

Despre lucrurile proaste, spun doar ca la MNAC, ?calitatea sonorizarii? e doar o expresie, si aia oximoronica.

Eh, in afara de astea, ar mai fi o problema. Publicul. Multi au venit acolo pentru ca e cool sa spui vecinilor de scara ca pleci la ?mnac la un fest de visual arts?. Pe astia ii vedeai la fiecare show tolaniti in fata scenei. Daca la unele trupe e chiar indicat sa stai degeaba intins pe jos (asta daca nu ai vreo alta treaba pe afara), la altele nu e deloc o idee buna sa faci asa. Ca de exemplu, nu vad ce om cu cap s-ar fi pus comod la orizontala in fata scenei pe care tocma se pregateste un concert de speedcore cu un om care mai are obiceiul sa sara in public sa faca pogo. Adica ori esti inconstient, ori nu stii la ce ai venit.

Personal, cred ca e vorba de varianta numarul be. Si, ca dovada, la concert la Mlada Fronta, am incercat sa imi fac loc printre multimea de tolaniti pentru a ajunge mai in fata sa trag niste poze. Cand ajung unde imi propusesem, ma trage unu de pantaloni si ma intreaba ca ce caut eu acolo. Ca sa nu il deranjez din pozitia confortabila in care se afla, m-am aplecat si i-am spus ca vreau sa fac poze. ?Da ce ba, n-ai zoom?? La asa o intrebare de cacat, mi-a sarit mustaru si i-am explicat tipului ca poate sa stea si in picioare, ca doar asta e concert, nu film. Ce mi-a raspuns ala nu lasa loc de nici un comentariu: ?Nu e concert, e happening!?

by [email protected]
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 12:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

DIOXYDE - Muertos Todos (Suicide Commando rmx)

Mai intai si mai intai, azi la Club A se intampla doua trebi: prima, , de la ora 17.00 se lanseaza cartea lui Doru Ionescu ?Timpul chitarelor electrice?, de data asta intrarea fiind libera si permisa oricui. Autografe, concert (PRAGUL DE SUS din Timişoara), invitati, proiectii de filme de arhiva? tot tacamul.
Concomitent cu asta, se va anunta proiectul ?Clubul Colectionarilor?, aceasta insemnand organizarea unui t?rg de rarităţi: ?nregistrări, publicaţii, imagini foto, afişe, pliante, autografe, bilete la spectacole, diplome etc. Acesta este primul pas din din ceea ce va fi MUZEUL ROCK.

Mai al doilea, Suicide Commando au anuntat ca vor scoate album nou, ?Bind, Torture , Kill? produs la Noise Terror Productions/Metropolis Records. Pe langa LP, intr-o editie limitata va fi inclus si un bonus single ?Conspiracy with The Devil? ce va cuprinde niste materiale mai rare Suicide Commando si niste remixuri facute de Diskonnekted, Controlled Collapse si Virtual Embrace

Bind, Torture , Kill
CD 1
01. Bind, Torture, Kill
02. Bleed For Us All
03. Conspiracy With The Devil
04. Menschenfresser (Eat Me)
05. Dead March
06. Massaker (Tommi Stumpff cover)
07. Torment Me
08. Godsend (Deceased Part II)
09. We Are The Sinners
10. You Bitch
11. Rader

CD 2, "Conspiracy With The Devil", only included in the record's limited 2CD box set
01. Conspiracy With The Devil (Asshole mix)
02. Conspiracy With The Devil (R.I.P. mix by Virtual Embrace)
03. Menschenfresser (Diskonnekted remix)
04. Conspiracy With The Devil (Death Pact remix by Controlled Collapse)
05. Second Death
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 10:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

miercuri, 1 feb: TUMOR - Zombienation
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joi, 2 feb - ISZOLOSCOPE - In the other mind of us

Eu unul am o pasiune aparte pentru tot ce vine din zona noise-industrial. Nu as putea sa spun exact de ce imi place asa mult, incat sa si conving pe cineva ca treburile astea merita ascultate. E drept, cand ascult asa ceva e de preferat sa fiu foarte calm si cu cat mai putina lume prin preajma. Norocul meu ca asta inseamna un procent destul de mare din timpul meu.
Revenind la noise, incerc de fiecare data sa caut sa aflu ce vrea omul ala sa faca sau sa spuna. Sunt chiar interesat de treaba asta. Mai gasesti un site, iti mai povesteste un prieten ? etc. Ca la momentul ascultarii nu regasesti in piesa nimic din ce ai aflat, asta e alta treaba.
Exista insa si exceptii iar pentru asta am ales azi Iszoloscope, un baiat din Canada a carui proprie descriere pe MySpace se potriveste perfect cu produsul sonor. Ascultati, cititi si decideti singuri:

Iszoloscope sounds like any other new self-proclaimed "noise artist" that convinced himself that distorting a beat makes it automatically sound good... even if it goat balls in the first place. And then, who mysteriously found the attention span to make a painfully long CDR demo in 5 days, equipped with a coloured cover booklet, illustrated by himself with an embarrassing montage of various pictures of WW2 German tanks, skulls and half naked girls with goggles, dressed in PVC, that he totally ripped off from the Lithium Picnic website.
All this, in a grand scheme to distribute it around to everyone at the local goth club in order to impress the ladies and to let the guys know that he is on the cutting edge (since he will obviously land a record deal in no time). Unfortunately, because of an obnoxious and grossly inappropriate display of bad social skills, he got in everyone's face about it, chicks and guys alike (especially the DJs) found him even more annoying than they did the weeks before - and they clearly let him in on this insight!
Confused, disoriented and half erected from being screamed at, he realised that he needed to turn the page. Thus, he deleted the outdated copy of Fruity Loops he got on Kazaa, along with his entire "noise music" collection which consisted of the 4 MP3s by Converter that a guy who calls himself "Lord Gothos Darkness of the Night" on MSN told him to download on the faithful night he discovered this crazy "noise music" thing and thought that he could clearly do the same. Finally, and without hesitation, he got back to his regular extra-curricular activities: eating corn chips and masturbating. Meanwhile, we are all stuck dealing with his MySpace Music profile he has yet to remove.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 10:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

vineri, 3 feb: THEATRE OF TRAGEDY & DAS ICH - Black as the devil painteth

De multa vreme nu am mai bagat nimic despre Das Ich. Ca sa remediez problema, azi avem o colaborare intre Theatre of Tragedy si Das Ich. Si decat sa vorbesc mult si degeaba, mai bine luati link cu tot albumul ?A rose For The Dead? la free download. Singura problema e ca tot ce e free are o calitate indoielnica. Da? merge?
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 11:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Luni, 6 feb: HOCICO - Distorted face

Azi avem din nou stiri de pe [email protected]

1 - Hocico "A Trav?s De Mundos Que Arden" DVD details
On March 10, the Hocico's first DVD, titled "A Trav?s De Mundos Que Arden" is going to see the light of day. The DVD features a complete recording of the group?s show at Germany's M'Era Luna festival 2005 and bonus material such as different live recordings from across the planet, behind-the-scenes snippets and documentaries, TV performances, short films, the group's live projections, interviews and the rare animated "Born To Be (Hated)" video clip. "A Trav?s De Mundos Que Arden" will be released as a single-disc version and as a special limited edition in deluxe packaging, including a bonus CD, "Scars", which features five unreleased and new tracks recorded over the years.
01. Without a god
02. Tales from the third world
03. Distorted face
04. Born to be (hated)
05. Poltergeist
06. Spirits of crime
07. Bloodshed
08. Odio bajo el alma
09. Bizarre words
10. Untold blasphemies
11. Forgotten tears
12. A broken glass
Special features:
* A day at The Wave Gotik Treffen 2005
* Mexicans at work - Sangre Hirviente recording sessions
* A Broken Glass (Live at Kir Hamburg 2000)
* 5 mins of fame - Interview for National Cable TV. 1999
* Memories of Home - Extracts of Hocico shows inMexico City
* Born to be (hated) - Animated Video Clip
* Mexican Pose - Photo session at Erk's house 2001 for Signos de Aberracion
* Forgotten Tears (Live at Werk II Leipzig 2004)
* Cuando la Maldad Despierta - Video and Slide Show
* Hocico speaking to Crazy Clip TV. 2002
* Hell on Earth (Live at Kir Hamburg 2000)
* Angry eyes on Mexico City - Visual impressions from Hocico's metropolis
* Wrack and Ruin visions ? Extracts from the Backing Visuals 2004.
* Instincts of Perversion (Live at AGRA WGT Leipzig 2002)
* Hocico and the Hocicones - Signature session at Mera Luna 2005

Revolting " and loaded" out on february 14
These guys need no introduction, but suffice to say the first new Revolting release in 12 years is a joy. Rough, sexy, these guys recorded "Beers, Steers and Queers" and are now back on tour with Ministry this summer! The first album from the Al Jourgensen helmed side-project since 1993, the CD was produced by Jourgensen and features the contributions of guest artists Jello Biafra (Dead Kennedys), Gibby Haynes (Butt Hole Surfers), Rick Nielsen and Robin Zander (Cheap Trick), Billy Gibbons (ZZ Top), Stevie Banch (Spyder Baby), Phildo Owen (Skatenigs).
01. Fire Engine
02. 10 Million Ways to Die
03. Caliente (Dark Entries)
04. Prune Tang
05. Dead End Streets
06. Pole Grinder
07. Jack in the Crack
08. Devil
09. spam4.gif Culture
10. Revolting au Lait

IMPORTANT: Hocico avem azi aici, iar REVOLTING de pe albumul mai sus prezentat puteti asculta azi la "FACE OF FREEDOM"
Program: azi (sau in fiecare luni), 10pm-12am GMT, 12am-2am Romania time, 4pm-6pm EST-US&Canada
in reluare marti 4am-6am GMT, 6am-8am Romania Time si vineri
10pm-12am GMT, 12am-2am Romania Time

Emisiunea se difuzeaza la

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 10:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Marti, 7 feb: XINGU HILL - Bandwidth Barons

John Sellekaers is a composer and producer based in Montreal, Canada. Since 1995, he has released about 40 records, on different labels (Hymen, Ant-Zen, Hushush...), and he plays regularly in Europe and North America.

Active projects include Xingu Hill, Dead Hollywood Stars, The Missing Ensemble and Urawa.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 9:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Miercuri, 8 feb: Black Lung & Xingu Hill - The People of the Monolith

Daca ieri am avut Xingu Hill, azi e si normal sa bag Black Lung & Xingu Hill. Normal, pentru ca sa pot face trecerea la piesa de maine care o sa fie Black Lung singur singurel.

Piesa de azi este rodul unei colaborari intre doi oameni diametral opusi din aproape toate punctele de vedere. Unu e canadian, altu australian. Unul face IDM, altul noise. Si lista poate continua destul de mult. Locul comun l-au gasit pe undeva pe la mijloc adica in Italia. Acolo au facut impreuna coloana sonora pentru un film a carui difuzare se pare ca nu a depasit niciodata granitele tarii producatoare.

Ca varza sa fie si mai mare, LP-ul ce continea piesele facute de un canadian si un australian in Italia a fost produs in Germania.

Dar cel mai bine mergeti pe linkul asta unde se afla o recenzie extraordinara despre toate cele de mai sus combinate cu H, ciuperci si alte alea.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 9:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joi, 9 feb - BLACK LUNG - The Sins of Megalopolis

david thrussell - biography
david thrussell is perhaps best known as australian electronic music's quietest over-achiever. as snog, or in other guises as soma (with pieter bourke of dead can dance) or black lung, he has gained an international cult reputation for innovation in electronic/cinematic/sound-scapes and numerous releases have invaded electronic/alternative charts in the germany, france and the u.s.a. an intensive touring schedule has included in recent times headline dates in new york, san francisco and rome, and the premier spot on "le musique des ultimates" a three day festival of electronic and experimental music in france. during the past decade thrussell has also carved himself an enviable niche as a dj. rising first to turntable prominence at the infamous hellfire club in melbourne and sydney, and then to regular engagements at the rex and le gibus (paris), farenheit (nyc), and forte prenestino (rome) amongst many others. thrussell djed at the parade berlin july 2001. somehow in between over 400(!) dj and live performances thrussell has held down his startling and innovative radio program rude mechanical on melbourne's pbsfm for over ten years. after having numerous film placements both in australia and internationally, thrussell completed his first major motion picture score "angst", released by united international pictures in august 2000 (winning best film score at if awards and nominated for australian guild of screen composers best feature score). further projects included a remix of u.k. techno legend aphex twin, an album of spoken word/soundscape material and further feature film scores including "the hard word" (starring guy pearce and rachel griffiths) with numerous other film scores in the pipeline. above and beyond all that though, david thrussell is just a swell chap.

Link cu tot albumul la free download
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 12:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Vineri, 10 feb: JAPANESE TELECOM ? Beta Capsule

Lenea e asa de mare incat ma marginesc sa astept weekendul. Asa ca azi doar anunt:

Sambata, 11 februarie 2006 la Art Jazz Club este concert EINUIEA.
Pentru cei care se intreaba ce inseamna, EINUIEA = 15 iunie (adica data infiintari trupei acu ceva mai multi ani)
Pentru cei care nu se intreaba din cauza ca stiu deja, aflati ca sambata se intra cu taxa. Care nu stiu cat e.

Iar la final, atat pentru cei care se intreaba, cat si pentru cei care nu, concertul se intituleaza ?Stampe japoneze? si este rezultatul celor doua luni petrecute de trupa in tara respectiva (Japonia).

Fara nici o legatura de stil cu piesa de azi.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 11:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Luni, 13 feb: VIOLENT WORK OF ART ? Reasons to hate

O cariera de succes ? De la meduza la bou

Nu stiu daca e vreo diferenta intre Atomic si Tvklumea. Iar daca se dovedeste ca exista, eu tot nu o sa fiu in stare s-o gasesc. Recunosc ca ma uit la posturile astea doua asa cum ma uit si la OTV: cand trec cu telecomanda p?acolo, ma opresc un minut, maxim doua, ca poate e ceva distractiv.
Ieri am avut parte de o surpriza: am prins o piesa de la inceput si, pentru ca imi suna foarte cunoscut, am ramas pe postul respectiv in speranta ca imi voi da seama cine canta la origini treaba aia.
Pe ecran, in mod normal, aparea o trupa romaneasca. Piesa semana cu Bregovici si cu Abba in acelasi timp, nefiind nici una nici alta. A durat ceva vreme pana sa ma prind exact care era originalul. Nu de alta, dar era infiorator de prost interpretata. Era vorba de ?Judas Priest ? Breaking The Law? acum sub numele de ?Spitalul de Urgenta ? Caut un bou?
In varianta asta, piesa are ?influente?. Imi aduc aminte ca acum cativa ani nu era trupa care sa aiba pe o piesa un singur stil. Erai chiar de c***t daca nu aveai ?influente?. Cand erau pusi sa-si defineasca productiile, majoritatea raspundeau ?Pai noi cantam ceva mai complex? un fel de etno-rock cu influente pop-punk, dar ma avem o piesa hardcore-dance-simfonic cu influente de stavrid afumat?.
Exact asa este si cazul spitalului de urgenta: sunt sigur ca aceste ?influente? vor fi argumentul pentru care piesa nu va fi numita niciodata ?furaciune de prost gust? sau, in cel mai rau caz, ?cover?. Nu. Au fost influentati in copilarie de muzica asta, iar acum, mari fiind, isi pot permite sa faca o piesa ?la caterinca?. Faptul ca seamana in proportie de 90% cu o piesa care nu le apartine, e doar o coincidenta. Iar genul asta de coincidente repetate ii face sa se numeasca ?muzicieni cu umor? in loc de ?plagiatori de c***t?.
Partea trista in toata povestea asta e ca mai mult ca sigur ca se vor gasi persoane, deloc putine, care o sa ii mangaie parinteste pe cap si o sa le zica ?Bine asa, ba!? si o sa le ofere un contract generos la festivalul cumunal al gainatului de curcan pitic. Si uite asa, din caterinca in caterinca, 99% din muzica romaneasca ramane doar o gluma proasta in comparatie cu varianta originala de inspiratie.
E drept, nu o sa ajunga in veci nici la 0.001% din succesul celor dupa care copiaza, dar ce conteaza cateva nenorocite de milioane de dolari din vanzare de albume in comparatie cu doua saptamani consecutive pe un glorios loc 17 in romanian top 20 la un post de radio din Calafat?

[email protected]
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 9:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Marti, 14 feb: THE STRAND - Chicks (or guys ) (rmx by Forced)

... cu dedicatie pentru toti cei care cred ca azi e o zi speciala.
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